

deserves a decent

place to call home

It all started when…

Hurricane Hugo plowed into the coast of South Carolina on September 21st 1989 causing extensive damage throughout our county. A group of members from Georgetown Presbyterian Church went out into the community to help low income families with storm repairs. This group quickly found that so many homes in the Georgetown community were beyond repair and that folks had been living in deplorable conditions for many years prior to the devastating storm. Member of Georgetown Presbyterian immediately began a quest to start a Habitat affiliate and on April 1st 1991 Habitat for Humanity Georgetown County was incorporated.

We are a non-profit, ecumenical, Christian-based organization that builds decent and affordable homes for low-income working families. Habitat homeowners purchase their homes with affordable, no profit mortgages and sweat equity. Habitat's mission is accomplished through generous donations of time, money, grants and building materials from churches, local companies, civic and government leaders, and individuals who want to help their fellow citizens while building a stronger community.

We also offer home repair services to homeowners so they can continue to live in safe, decent homes for years to come. Some of our home repair work includes painting, weatherization and minor repair services to preserve home exteriors and revitalize neighborhoods.

We are an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, an ecumenical ministry that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. By having community volunteers and prospective homeowners work together in equal partnership, Habitat builds new relationships and a sense of community as well as houses.

Non-Proselytizing Policy

Habitat for Humanity International and its affiliated organizations (HFH) will not proselytize. Nor will HFH work with entities or individuals who insist on proselytizing as part of their work with HFH. This means that HFH will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must adhere to or convert to a particular faith or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith. 


Habitat for Humanity International’s Mission and Vision Statements